Protection Against Discrimination
In accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG), all members and relatives are protected by the University against discrimination, including sexual harassment.
This applies to all employees (according to AGG) as well as to matriculated doctoral candidates and scholarship holders (according to Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz, NHG §42, 6).
You will receive advice and support both as a person affected and as a supporter of those affected, for example from the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit of the University. Don´t hesitate to contact us first and we will then approach the next steps and considerations together. If you are seeking advice, everything will be treated strictly confidential.
- Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG)
- Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz (in particular §42,6)
- Protection against Discrimination in Germany. A Guide for Refugees and New Immigrants (English)
- Leitfaden: Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen. Ein Praxisleitfaden für Mitarbeitende im Hochschulbereich (German)
- Guide: Dealing with discrimination at the University of Göttingen (English)
- Barrier-free legal advice (German)
Sexual harassment/abuse
Information about counselling on sexualised assaults and harrasment, discrimination based on sex can be found on the homepage of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit of the University. On their webpage, you will find the key points about getting advice and reporting sexual harassment and violence. - What to do in cases of sexual harassment and violence
- Was tun bei sexueller Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz? Leitfaden für Beschäftigte, Arbeitgeber und Betriebsräte (German)
- Senatsrichtlinie zum Schutz vor sexuellen Belästigungen und sexueller Gewalt (University Göttingen, German)
- Counseling and professional centre for sexual abuse and domestic violence Göttingen (German & English)
- Sexual Harassment and Discrimination. Guidelines on how to Raise Awareness, Prevent and Respond (Gleichstellungsbüro der RWTH Aachen, PDF: English)