Misha Singh


College / University

Ashoka University, India

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Studies & Research

Major Subject


65162-1 Singh



Lab Experience

Animal behaviour assays and analysis, Human Behaviour assays, Insect electrophysiology, fMRI and ECoG data analysis, Animal pose detection using DeepLabCut and SLEAP, FlyWire, Basic programming in R and Python, Analysis using ImageJ

Projects / Research

  • 2023-2024: Computational Study of Invertebrate Central Pattern Generators (CPGs): Neuronal dynamics of rhythmic movements in Cricket song generation (Undergraduate Capstone Thesis)
  • 2022-2023: Single-dimensional multialternative shoal choice decoy space map of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Scholarships / Awards

2024 – 2026: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) scholarship


My interest in neuroscience is driven by the desire to understand the neural mechanisms behind the dynamic, feedback-driven nature of behaviour in real-world contexts. I am interested in exploring questions of learning, memory and intelligence– particularly in the sensorimotor context. I aim to learn to approach such questions using both wet lab and computational tools. In addition, I look forward to gaining insights into how malfunctions of these cognitive processes unfold in neurodegenerative disorders and the clinical and translational approach to treatment.