Good Scientific Practice for Chemists and Physicists (Suhm)
26th February 2025; 08:15 - 12:00; TBA

Joint Workshop with the RTG2721 in Erfurt
17th - 19th September 2024

Course: "Research Data Management" (Mata)
13th and 20th June 2024; 14:00-17:00; TBA

Course: "Scientific presentation slides" (Mata)
10th, 17th and 24th June 2024; 15:00-18:00; TBA

Good Scientific Practice for Chemists and Physicists (Suhm)
21st February 2024

Ring lecture
16th, 18th and 19th October 2023
23rd, 25th and 26 th October 2023
Click here for a schedule overview

Course: "Scientific presentation slides" (Mata)
1st, 3rd and 8th August 2023; 09:15-12:00; MN32

Workshop on self-presentation with Sabine Mariss
11th July 2023: 13:30 - 18:00 h; Blauer Salon (IPC, 4th floor)

Course: "Computational vibrational spectroscopy" (Schröder)
28th February - 2nd March 2023

Good Scientific Practice for Chemists and Physicists (Suhm)
22nd February 2023; 09.00-12.00 h; MN28

Podium discussion "Life after your PhD" (Obenchain)
24th January 2023; 11:15-12:15 h; Alte Mensa
Current postdocs and junior professors host an open panel discussion for BENCh PhD students. We will share our experiences in life after our PhD, including searching for postdocs and networking. We invite all BENCh students to join, listen, and participate in the discussion. The event is scheduled for the Alte Mensa on Tuesday January 24 from 11:15-12:15 am. If you have any questions, please contact

Workshop "BENCh goes Berlin"
24th - 27th October 2022
A networking workshop among BENCh and invited PhD students and PostDocs in Berlin organised by 3 BENCh PhD students
Click here for the program

Python methods course (Lüttschwager)
17th, 18th and 20th October 2022

Start of the SoSe22 methods course "Scientific Presentation Slides" (Mata)
28th June 2022

eRA course: "How can I improve my daily handling of research data?" (Henne)
23rd and 30th June 2022

BENCh students meeting & BBQ
13th June 2022

Ring lecture (hybrid)
5 - 7th and 13th April 2022
19 - 20th July 2022
Click here for a schedule overview

International Bunsen Discussion Meeting
29th - 31st March 2022
An international conference under the topic "Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry" organised in Göttingen.

Course: "How to write a scientific paper?" (Wodtke)
15th and 23rd February & 8th and 16th March 2022

CECAM Flagship Workshop
"Benchmarking of electronic structure methods for non-covalent interactions"
8 - 10th November 2021
Paris, University of Gustave Eiffel
more informations at the official website

Mind Matters - 9 weeks Resilience Training for Researchers, Dr. Nadine Sinclair & Paul Sinclair
30th August - 25th October 2021

Start of the SoSe21 methods course "Scientific Presentation Slides" (Mata)
29th June 2022

ICASEC Summer School on Theoretical Methods for Energy Conversion (online)
14 - 16th June 2021
more informations at the official website

eRA/ BENCh data management course for PhD students (online)
7th April 2021 - 04:00 pm

Course: "Data evaluation with Python" (Lüttschwager)
24, 25 and 29th March 2021

Ring lecture (online)
3 - 12th March 2021
Click here for a schedule overview

February Meet-Up (online)
23rd February 2021

1) Introduction Research Coordinator
2) Important information
3) Flash presentations (5-minute talk, 2 minutes questions/comments)
4) Online Games

Start of the SoSe20 methods course "Scientific Presentation Slides" (Mata)
20th April 2020

Course: "Bayesian Statistics" (Proppe)
7, 10, 17 and 24th January 2020

Course: "Data evaluation with Python" (Lüttschwager)
21, 22, 25 and 28th November 2019

Find Your PhD 2019
Our Research Training Group recognises the importance of supporting women in natural sciences. This starts already at the recruitment stage. With this objective in mind, we are holding a 2-day event where candidates have the opportunity to learn more about the program on site, and also a bit about Göttingen.

FindYourPhD 2019

Trip to the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
1st October 2019, Braunschweig

Image source: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

A joint trip of the RTG 2455 to the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig, the national metrology institute of Germany was planned for October 2019. Those who were interested learned more about PTBs research on chemical physics, atomic and optical clocks, interferometry etc..

To find out more about the PTB, visit the offical Website.

Course: "Good Academic Practise during Doctoral Studies" (Barth)
2nd September 2019

Start of the SoSe19 methods course "Scientific Presentation Slides" (Mata)
17th June 2019

Ring lecture
25 April - 16th July 2019
Click here for a schedule overview

Find Your PhD 2018

FindYourPhD poster