COMPONENTS (+ obligatory, -optional)

+ Title in English and German (max. length 90 characters, including blanks)

+ Author's (authors') first name(s) and name and post

+ Summary about 1000 - 1200 characters

+ Keywords 6 to 10 terms

+ Text (numbering in max. 3 decimals)

+ Tables with captions

- Supplementary text may also be placed in boxes, to be read separately from the main text

+ All figures with captions

+ References, see issue of Geo-Öko: name, initial(s) of first name(s) of author ore authors
(year of publication in brackets):

+ List of Author's (authors') name(s), academic degree, first name, name, institution, section etc.,
possibly,, full address, e-mail address


Standard length 30.000 to 60.000, exceptionally up to 100.000 characters (including title, summary, tables, text in boxes and list of references) subtract characters in figures (graphs, maps and charts). - Notice: 1 printed page = 4.000 to 4.500 characters (ink. spaces characters).

Format 140 x 208 mm

Please send the manuscript totally unformatted as a Word-document (e.g. *.doc, *.docx).


Size: Maximum width 140 mm, maximum height 208 mm, captions included. Printing of 2 figures on one page is possible only when the captions do not exceed a total length of 4 lines (Arial 9 pt).

Format: All common graphic formats (*.JPG, *.BMP, *.TIFF, *.GIF,…)

Please consider the page size of 140 x 208 mm while preparing your figures.

Printing of photos and/or graphics in colour is possible for basic contents. For comprehensive figures in colour, the author will be contacted for individual arrangements.


All figures will be named as Fig. (also in the text) and numbered consecutively without space character (Example: Fig.1). Maps and map-like diagrams must contain a scale-bar in metric units and an arrow showing the north direction. Text within figures should be in the same language as the text of the manuscript. For photographs the name of its author must be given, and possibly the year when it was taken.

All Figures have to be passed as single files.


Format: All tables have to be composed in Arial 9 pt and passed as *.doc or *.docx.



All tables will be named Tab. (also in the text) and numbered consecutively without space character (Example: Tab.1).

All Tables have to be passed as single files.


Data medium: CD-ROM or as email-attachment
Data transfer: email:


Manuscripts must be submitted with all components to the publisher and should be orthographically correct.


GEO-ÖKO is double-blind reviewed. The author will receive a review feedback (accepted, mayor or minor revisions, rejected).
Final drafts are accepted only after resubmission. A second review process is optional. GEO-ÖKO is accredited by the
VGDH as a reviewed journal.


The author will receive one copy of the journal, 10 copies of the respective issue and one pdf-document free of charge.

Selbstverlag “Förderverein Geographie für
Umwelt und Entwicklung e.V. (GfUE)”, Göttingen
Goldschmidtstr. 5
37077, Göttingen
Tel.: +49(0)551-39-8012
Fax: +49(0)551-39-12139

Prof: Dr. Gerhard Gerold