Genomic tools in maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) for enhanced biomass production and sustainable forest management
Project management: Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey
Coworkers: Dr. Barbara Vornam
Key words: candidate genes involved in growth, wood quality and stress response, SNPs, association mapping, maritime pine
Duration: 1.5.2010 – 30.4.2013
Funding agency: BMBF, Forschungszentrum Jülich (in the frame of GABI)
Francisco M Cánovas, Spain, Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Teatinos, 29071-Málaga,
María Teresa Cervera, Spain, CIFOR-INIA, 28040-Madrid
Carmen Díaz-Sala, Spain, Universidad Alcalá, 28871-Alcalá deHenares, Madrid,
Isabel Arrillaga, Spain, Universidad de Valencia, 46100- Burjassot, Valencia,
Celia Miguel, IBET, Portugal Av. República (EAN), 2781-901Oeiras,
Christophe Plomion, France, INRA Pierroton, 69 Route d’Arcachon, F33610 CESTAS
Marie Anne Lelu, France, INRA Orleans, F45075 Orleans Cedex
Luc Harvengt, France, Domaine de l’Etançon, F-77370 Nangis
Kurt Zoglauer, Germany, Humboldt University of Berlin ID-10115 Berlin
Francisco J Lario , Spain, TRAGSA, 32700-Maceda,
Vornam, Barbara
Telefon +49 551 39 3533, Fax +49 551 39 8367, E-Mail:
The forest sector has to cope with progressive impact of the global climate change, increasing wood demand, and sustainable biomass economy. Biotechnology and Genomic research are needed to accelerate forest management for sustainable and competitive production. We will focus on maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait), the most advanced conifer model species for genomic research in Europe and the most widely planted species in France, Spain and Portugal.
General aims Application of the latest technologies towards the identification of key genes determining adaptive traits in conifers. To provide new knowledge for the European forest-based-sector that promotes the use of renewable resources in the context of global climate change.
Major outcome To propose practical, marker-based strategies to maintain the competitiveness of forest industries by improving biomass and wood productivity of conifer forests even under stress conditions.
The proposed research activities are addressed to increase genomic resources and to study candidate genes involved in the regulation of maritime pine development, growth and the response to environmental stress.
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