Vorlesung: Produktion und Logistik

The exam on production and logistics in the winter semester 2024/2025 will take place on 29.11.2024 in the afternoon.

Learning objectives:
Students get an overview of operational production processes and the intertwinement of production and logistics. They are able to design efficient operational processes with the help of suitable planning models.


  • Production and cost theory
  • Production program planning with linear optimization
  • Supply planning/ sourcing logistics
  • Implementation planning/ production logistics
  • Distribution logistics
  • Simulation and visualization of production and logistics processes

For details regarding the schedule and rooms please visit the UniVZ.

Supplementary documents:
All documents are provided in StudIP.


The registration for the tutorial groups will be possible during the first lecture week (only summer semester) with this link.


  • Bloech, J.; Bogaschewsky, R.; Götze, U.; Roland, F.: Einführung in die Produktion. 5th edition, Springer, Heidelberg 2003
  • Hahn, D.; Laßmann, G.: Produktionswirtschaft. Vol. 1, Heidelberg 1999
  • Schneeweiß, C.: Einführung in die Produktionswirtschaft. 8th edition, Springer Heidelberg 2002
  • Weber, J.; Kummer, S.: Logistikmanagement. 2nd edition, Schäfer-Poeschel 1998