Seminar: Current Developments in Retail Science

Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski; M.Sc. Judith Derenthal, M.Sc Denise Pape, M.Sc. Max Pisek

Contact person:
M.Sc Denise Pape, M.Sc. Max Pisek

Target group:
Students in the Master's Programme Marketing and E-Business

Course language:

Recommended previous knowledge:
Basic knowledge of marketing, basics of scientific work

General requirements:
Participating students should be willing to actively deal with selected problems of retail management in theory, to research, process and present information. It is necessary to read articles in English.

The Chairs of Marketing and Innovation Management and of Marketing and Retail Management are initially using a joint online form to assess the demand for Master's seminar places at the Department of Marketing and E-Business in winter term 2024/25. We are trying to meet the preferences of all interested students with the capacities available to us, but we ask for your understanding if this is not possible in individual cases.

In addition to the online application form, please submit a current grade sheet until the application deadline. If you have not yet completed any courses at the time of your application, we would still ask you to submit your application for the reason of completeness and for reasons of equal treatment. For this purpose, we would ask you to send us a transcript of records showing the exams you have registered for this semester.

After completion of the first registration phase, you will be informed by the respective chairs about the assignment to one of the two seminars. You will then inform us (i.e. the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management) of your topic preferences by e-mail. You will be informed about possible seminar topics and the further procedure by e-mail in due time.

Registration for the Master's Seminar of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation Management and the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management in winter term 2024/25 starts on July 1st, 2024 and ends on August 26th, 2024 .

All details regarding the course of the Master's Seminar at the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management as well as the registration deadlines can be found in the following table.

Time and place:
01.07.2024 - 26.08.2024 General registration by using the online form above. To get an overview of the events you have attended so far, please submit an up-to-date transcript by e-mail after registration.
until 13.09.2024 Information about the allocation of students to the respective chair
23.09.2024Announcement of the topics and start of the registration period for the various topics (submission of the ranking list with the three preferred topics by e-mail)
04.10.2023, 11:59 p.m.Deadline for registration for the various topics (submission of the ranking list with the three preferred topics by e-mail)
Calendar week 41Subject allocation (by e-mail) and start of literature research
25.10.2024, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., room: OEC 1.162Introductory event: presentation of topics, procedure, Crash course on scientific work, in particular problem definition, structuring and literature research
25.10. – 08.11.2024Registration deadline in FlexNow
Calendar week 45Sending of research questions and structure
Calendar week 47Sending of the problem definition and structure
10.01.2025, until 12:00 a.m., digitalDeadline for submitting seminar papers to the secretariat via e-mail
24.01.2025, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., room: OEC 1.162
Presentations of the seminar papers

Learning outcome, core skills:
After successful completion students are able to structure a research questions, to answer it both content wise and methodologically as well as to elaborate the results in written form and present them. The critical examination of the relevant literature deepens the students' competences with regard to scientific work.

In the seminar current developments in retail science are considered. Possible topics are retail marketing, technological innovations and ethical consumer behaviour.

Presentation and seminar paper (6 CP)

Exam requirements:
Independently, students examine a current research question in the field of retailing scientifically and in written form (max. 12 pages). They present and discuss the seminar paper (30 minutes). Students show a profound understanding of the problem and provide a critical appraisal.

Recommended references:

General references:
Limited to a max. of 20 participants.
The seminar paper will be written on in teams of two. The assignment to the teams is made by the chair on the basis of the topic preferences.

Further Information about the seminar can be found in eCampus