Potassium in potato farming
The importance of potassium in potato cultivation and its influence on plant physiological and quality-forming parameters of the potato

In the project “The importance of potassium in potato cultivation and its influence on plant physio-logical and quality-forming parameters”, the physiology of the potato plant and the quality of the potato tuber are examined.
The following project priorities were set:
- Investigation of a potassium (sugar) leaf application to increase the frost tolerance of young potato plants (project completed; Wilmer et al. 2020)
- Investigation of physiological processes in the potato plant in a hydroponic approach with different potassium supply levels and under the influence of drought stress
- Investigation of the influence of K2SO4 and KCl on tuber quality. This is studied in a 2-year field trial with several varieties

Wilmer L, Riek P, Pawelzik E, Naumann M (2020) Bessere Frosttoleranz durch optimale Kaliumversorgung. Kartoffelbau 71:42-45