Jonas Stehl

Doctoral Student
Chair of Development Economics / CeMIS, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer
Member of the RTG 2654: Sustainable Food Systems

Research Interests: Development Economics, Health Economics, Nutrition, Food Security, Environmental Economics, Population Economics, Economics of Conflict

Discussion Papers:
  • Stehl, J., Depenbusch, L., & S. Vollmer (2024). Healthy diet based poverty lines (No. 295). Discussion Papers. (download as PDF)

  • Stehl, J., Vonderschmidt, A., Vollmer S., Alexander, P. & L. Jaacks (2024). Assessing self-sufficiency: analyzing the gap between national food production and food-based dietary guidance. (download as PDF)

  • Stehl, J., Depenbusch, L., & S. Vollmer (2024). The global income gap to a healthy diet (No. 293). Discussion Papers. (download as PDF)

  • Ongoing Projects:
  • Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Stehl, J. & J. Zenker. Business or job skill training? Experimental evidence from young women in Liberia.

  • Stehl, J. , Sibhatu, K., Jaacks, L. & S. Vollmer. Food Sourcing and Household Dietary Diversity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from National Representative Surveys across 44 Countries.

  • Squarcina, M., Hänsch, J., Montoya Cepeda, F. M., Pallauf, M., Paz, B., Stehl, J. , Wehner, J. & M. Wollni. Farmers’ resilience using a food system approach: conceptualization and empirical application.