Publications Ainslee Erhard, M.Sc.


  • Erhard, Ainslee, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2024): Tasty or sustainable? Goal conflict in plant-based food choice. Food Quality and Preference, 120, 105237.
  • Lemken D, Ainslee Erhard, Simone Wahnschafft (2024): A choice architect’s guide to the (autonomous) galaxy: A systematic scoping review of nudge intrusiveness in food choices. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, 1030.

  • 2023
  • Erhard, Ainslee, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Domenic Lemken (2023): How do defaults and framing influence food choice? An intervention aimed at promoting plant-based choice in online menus. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 22, 100242.
  • Erhard, Ainslee, Magda Águas Silva, Marie Damsbo-Svendsen, Bat-El Menadeva Karpantschof, Helle Sørensen & Michael Bom Frøst (2023): Acceptance of insect foods among Danish children: Effects of information provision, food neophobia, disgust sensitivity, and species on willingness to try. Food Quality and Preference, 104, 104713

  • 2020
  • Erhard, Ainslee, Elizabeth R. Chin, Ezra R. Chomak, Eydis Y. Erlendsdottir, Federico J.A. Perez-Cueto, & Vibeke Orlien (2020): Exploratory study on purchase intention of vitamin D fortified drinks in Denmark, Iceland, and the UK. Appetite, 190, 107005.