Department for Addiction and Addiction Prevention

This semester (2023/2024, winter semester), we have decided to support Department for Addiction and Addiction Prevention.

They are a multidisciplinary team and work in various interrelated specialist services. Through training, further education and training, they ensure professionalism. And they work with addicted and addicted people and their relatives. Prevention offers are aimed at specific target groups and the public. They are the point of contact for everyone who has questions and needs information related to addictive substances. Further, they are committed to Christian charity. The employees meet those seeking advice and those in need of help with special respect, which is derived from the dignity and uniqueness of the people. Diaconal action is reflected in their attitude towards the people who are looking for their help and towards the full-time and voluntary employees with whom we work on any basis.

What do they do?
They support and promote the people who going to them in:
• To avert, prevent or mitigate their consequences.
• To find access to the areas of life that are important to the person.
• To take advantage of offers that counteract a possible addiction at an early stage.
• To have access to the areas of life that are important to the person, e.g., working life, interaction with other people.
• To achieve satisfaction in the areas of life that are important to the person concerned/e.g., satisfied abstinence).
• To experience recognition and appreciation as well as solidarity experience.
• To achieve an independent and self-determined lifestyle.
• To experience a holistic personal development.

Their professional action is supported by the application of a holistic view of physical, mental, mental and social factors with the inclusion of contextual and promotional factors.
And they have been a member of the "Quality Association Addiction Assistance of the Diakonie" since 2009. Therefore, we decided to make a small contribution with the donation we collected at the cultural evening, the Stiftsparty and during the semester.