Prof. Dr. Antje Risius

Dr. Antje Risius is Associate Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda (Prof. in Sustainable Nutrition and Distribution) and leading a Junior-Research group on "Synergies for public health in the Anthropocene from a one-health perspective" (BMBF-FONA) at the University of Göttingen. She works in the fields of agricultural sciences, health and anthropology with different inter- and transdisciplinary applications and leads several projects in regard to Food system transformation, planetary and public health. Her research interests include consumer food choice, nutrition and public health, behavior change communication (‘boosting’), sustainable food systems, experimental economics and institutional economics.
She received a Dr. in Agricultural Sciences(Agricultural Economics and Consumer Behavior, University of Kassel/Witzenhausen), with the work titled 'Consumer preferences and Willingness to Pay for sustainably produced trout and beef in Germany’, a MSc degree in Food Economics (University of Gießen), a MSc Degree in Nutritional Sciences (University of Gießen), a BSc degree in Ecotrophology (University of Gießen) and studied Food science at the University Completense of Madrid and Sustainable food systems, Community health and Nutrition at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point with term-scholarships.
She has organized a wide range of specialist meetings and has been involved in working groups in the areas of agroecology, nutrition and health, supply and sovereignty. Last year, she was appointed as a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Parliament ("Bürgerrat Ernährung").

Profile on Researchgate

Research Focus:

  • Behavior change communication (e.g. informative nudging/boosting)

  • Sustainability in agricultural and food systems

  • Singularity marketing

  • Sensory marketing

  • Consumer (nutritional) behavior

Research Methods:

  • Inter- and transdisciplinary research

  • Neuroeconomic research methods (eye-tracking, fNIRS)

  • Panel surveys (choice experiments, surveys)

  • Qualitative face-to-face interviews (think-aloud protocols, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews)

  • Quantitative face-to-face interviews (choice experiments, surveys)

Research Projects:

  • Ongoing Research Projects:

    • Plant-based dietary styles as a key to sustainability (NES)

    • Perception of (positive and negative) messages in health communication in the context of food marketing (ProcLAM)

    • Grassland protection through an innovative organic grazing cattle concept (GiB)

    • Potential of sustainable use of regional breeds and local protein feed in poultry production (PorReE)

  • Completed Research Projects:

    • Production of meat and milk in international comparison

    • Transparency and transformation in the regional food economy. Collaborative approaches for more sustainability from raw material to end consumer (TransKoll)

    • Concept for product differentiation in the beef market - communication options and willingness to pay for beef from extensive, animal-friendly suckler cow husbandry (at the University of Kassel)

    • Development of a communication strategy for sustainable aquaculture products (at the University of Kassel)

    • Regional window – evaluation of consumer acceptance (at the University of Kassel)

    • Improving complementary feeding Practices (IMCF): Effectiveness of a nutrition education intervention to improve complementary feeding practices in Malawi: a restricted randomized trial (at the University of Giessen)


    • Advanced Theories of Consumer Research (Ph.D.)

    • Research-based teaching and learning (FOLL) I (B.Sc., M.Sc.)

    • Sensory research and sensory marketing (B.Sc.)