International Vocational Education and Training Assessment (PISA-VET)

About the Project

Viola Deutscher is involved in two international expert committees of the OECD. In the areas of "Business and Administration" and "Background Questionnaires", the OECD is supported by researchers in the development of the so-called PISA-VET, i.e. an international survey of the competencies of trainees. You can find the link to the OECD initiative here.

Publications from the project::

  • OECD (2024), PISA Vocational Education and Training (VET): Assessment and Analytical Framework, PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris,
  • Rausch, A., Abele, S., Deutscher, V., Greiff, S., Kis, V., Messenger, S., Shackleton, J., Tramonte, L., Ward, M. und Winther, E. (2024). Designing an international large-scale assessment of professional competencies and employability skills: emerging avenues and challenges of OECD's PISA-VET. Vocations and Learning, 1–40.