Bohan Meng


College / University

Dartmouth College

Highest Degree

Bachelor or Arts

Major Subject


65158-1 Meng



Lab Experience

Programming in Python, MATLAB, ImageJ; molecular cloning, calcium imaging; psychophysics, data collection on testable; fMRI preprocessing and data analysis, machine learning, statistical analysis, data visualization.

Projects / Research

  • 2022 – 2023: Explored how persistent interneuron activity regulates motor arousal states in C. elegans. Flavell Lab, MIT
  • 2021 – 2022: Tested the theory that developmental prosopagnosia was induced by loss of peripheral receptive field of face-selective areas. Social Perception Lab, Dartmouth College

Scholarships / Awards

2024 – 2025: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School


The central scientific question I aim to answer is: “How is the mind possible with the human brain and body?” This question fasinates me because it underpins both our everyday experiences and the pinnacle of human achievements in art, athletics, and science. To pursue my academic interests, I have explored a range of research methods, including genetic engineering, psychophysics, brain imaging, mathematical modeling, and machine learning. These diverse approaches have deepened my understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience research. My goal is to integrate cutting-edge techniques from neurobiology and computational neuroscience to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying fundamental cognitive functions.