Exam Administration FlexNow
Dear students,
information about online exams with online identification and / or about a possibly requested file upload in Flexnow can be found here: online examinations
Dear teachers,
You can find information on various options for online exams on the website of the Service for Digital Learning and Teaching: examine online
German video with english audio

Other Languages: all - ENG - GER - FRA - SPA - ITA - CHI 普通話 - ARA العربية - TUR - PER فارسی - RUS русский
With FlexNow you can
- register and cancel your registration for examinations
- view your grades and credits
- create a summary (PDF file) of your attainments to date
- EMREX: Export of student achievement records Useful documents
If you have any questions or problems concerning FlexNow please contact your examination office.
Introducing online services for students

eCampus? Stud.IP? FlexNow? You can find out about online services for students in the interactive presentation (external server).
[See separate document for translation of interactive presentation]