Integrative Lecture
The Integrative Lecture aims to introduce various research projects in the field of Digital Humanities, which are based in Göttingen, and thus give an overview of the diversity of DH research at the Göttingen Campus.
The lectures will last about 45 minutes. Afterwards, there will be time for questions and lively discussions.
The lecture takes place in the Institute of Digital Humanities 0.113 and online
All lectures will start at 6pm c.t. and will be in English.
- 05.11.2024
How to plan a DH project? - 12.11.2024
Jeremy Thompson/Mohamed Basuony
Digital Palaeography - 19.11.2024
Paul Langeslag
ECHOE. Electronic Corpus of Homilies in Old English - 26.11.2024
Eduard S. Lukasiewicz/Jörg Wettlaufer
Travelogues in Digital Humanities. Solutions and Challenges - 03.12.2024
Philipp Wieder
Text+ - Developing a national research data infrastructure for text and language research (and what is in for me?) - 10.12.2024
Martin Langner/Lena Schrötke/Tobias Kreten
3D Editions - 17.12.2024
Hanna Surjadi
Argument Mining and Mapping in the Regesta Imperii Projekt. Generating structured Output with Large Language Models - 07.01.2025
Martin Langner/Lena Schrötke/Tobias Kreten
3D Editions - 14.01.2025
Jörg Wesche/Oke-Lukas Möller/Viktoria Take-Walter
A digital Edition of Lessing’s “Ernst und Falk” - 21.01.2025
M. Kipke
Explorationsräume. Deep neural networks as a tool for image analysis. The case of painter attribution on Attic Greek vases - 28.01.2025
Karsten Heck/Christian Mahnke
Göttingen Collections Data and Forum Wissen - 04.02.2025
Johanna Störiko
Progress and Insights from One Year of Digital Historical Advertisements Analysis