Master thesis

General application information

General information

The process of a master thesis at the chair follows the steps depicted in Process for a master thesis. If all application requirements are met, we will gladly supervise your thesis within the limitations of our capacities. The available topics are mostly empirical studies from the research areas of the chair. All master theses must be written in English. If you have to apply outside the application period due to special circumstances (e.g. practical cooperation), please contact Prof. Dr. Manuel Trenz.

Topic selection

Topic areas for master theses include digital platforms, privacy, algorithmic management, social media, data-driven business models, crowdworking, gig economy, artificial intelligence in healthcare, digital health ecosystems, interactions with digital services, gamification and interorganizational information systems (see also: Research and Current master thesis topics). In our first meeting, we will discuss and decide on the specific topic together.

    Application period
  • Winter term: August 1st until October 15th
  • Summer term: February 1st until March 31st
Application prerequisites
  • A successfully completed research seminar at the faculty
  • At least one elective course in business informatics or marketing
Required application documents
  • Current grade excerpt from FlexNow
  • Filled application form (will be activated at the respective application periods)

If you are interested in a master thesis at the chair and fulfill all application requirements, please fill the application form and send your FlexNow grade sheet within the application period via e-mail to

Process for a master thesis

A typical master thesis process follows the following steps:

Current master thesis topics

When Do We Take Responsibility for AI? An Experimental Investigation of Different Work Modes Online Lab Experiment Richard Henkenjohann
Delegation or Collaboration? An Examination of Different Work Modes in Human-AI-collaboration Design Science Research, Online Experiment Richard Henkenjohann
Conceptualizing the Development of Data Platforms: Exploring Launch Strategies Case Study Jonas Nienstedt
Citizens in Smart City Data Ecosystems: Exploring the Dynamic of Stress and Information Sharing Case Study Laura Detels & Jonas Nienstedt
Toward Data Sovereignty: Citizens’ Coping With Too Much or Too Little Information in Data Ecosystems Online Lab Experiment Laura Detels & Jonas Nienstedt
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work? Working in Teams With AI-Agents Online Lab Experiment Magrit Abel

Do you have your own idea for a master thesis in the topic area of the professorship? Please feel free to contact us!