PhD Programs

Each of the five mathematics and natural science faculties hosts faculty programs covering the entire spectrum of research of its faculty members. These faculty programs are managed by the Dean’s Office of the respective faculty, serving as a first contact for application, admission and program-related questions.

Some of the faculties also offer additional, thematically focused doctoral programs or externally funded Research Training Groups. For these programs, both the Dean’s Office of the respective faculty or the program speaker may serve as a first contact for application, admission and program-related questions.

The Göttingen Graduate Center for Neurosciences, Biophysics and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB) is an interdisciplinary scientific institution of the University of Göttingen under the umbrella of GAUSS. It hosts about one third of all GAUSS doctoral candidates in one of its 16 campus-wide interdisciplinary doctoral programs, including four International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS), two DFG Research Training Groups and one Leibniz Graduate School. The graduate center is managed by the GGNB Office as a one-stop service unit for all GGNB-related matters from applications beyond graduation.

List of programs

For a list of all GAUSS programs, please follow this link.

Scheme of GAUSS
