Psychology (B.Sc.)
The polyvalent Bachelor's degree course in Psychology is recognized under professional law and bears the seal of quality of the German Psychological Society. It can be studied in two different variants and thus offers different options for further study in Göttingen: The general master's program in psychology and, in addition, from winter semester 2022/23, the consecutive master's program in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, in order to subsequently take the licensing examination.
In addition, a postgraduate course in Psychological Psychotherapy is offered in Göttingen university for a fee.
- Programme:
- Psychology
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- Language of the programme:
- German
- Admission:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
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Information days
for prospective students
In the Bachelor's Programme in Psychology, students will acquire sound knowledge in fundamental subjects of psychology as well as basic knowledge in its applied disciplines. This provides students with general and subject-specific occupational skills necessary for the changeover into the working world. They will learn the main correlations of psychology and to apply scientific methods and findings. The bachelor's degree is also the requirement for participation in a master's programme.
These goals are achieved by connecting theoretical contents with practice-oriented topics, so that students receive fundamental scientific knowledge as well as occupational skills. In addition, students will acquire key competencies for a successful career start. Through active participation in courses and hands-on psychological work, students acquire knowledge and skills with which they can recognize psychological tasks, formulate factually founded potential solutions and appropriately realize these. Methodological competencies (especially in research methods and statistics, computer-aided data collection, data analysis and presentation as well as diagnostic basics and procedures) are conveyed predominantly in specialized modules. Aside from textual knowledge, the students acquire social and personal competencies that are also important for professional work.
Very good knowledge of English is an advantage.
The integration of GEMI in the Faculty of Biology and Psychology has lead to a strong interest in biopsychological and neuroscientific questions in Göttingen. This orientation is amplified by the interconnection with numerous centres and interdisciplinary programmes in which many faculties, Max Planck Institutes and other institutes participate (Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience, German Primate Centre, international M.Sc/Ph.D programmes in neuroscience, Centre for Systems Neuroscience). An additional research focus is found in research on judgement and decision making, which comprises fundamental oriented cognitive and sociopsychological aspects as well as applied aspects. In addition, the interdisciplinary union of school education, educational psychology and the specialised didactics of the Universität Göttingen in the Centre for Empirical Research into Teaching and Schools (ZeUS) forms the third area of specialisation. Göttingen also offers extensive possibilities to gain in-depth knowledge in the subject of methodology and the area of clinical psychology. In this area, a postgraduate programme is also offered for master graduates in cooperation with the Universität Braunschweig to obtain the medical license as a psychological psychotherapist. A detailed description of research focuses of the individual departments of GEMI can be found on the homepage of the institute (see right or below).
Consecutive/graduate programmes
Consecutive/graduate programmes
The polyvalent Bachelor's Programme in Psychology at the Georg Elias Müller Institute for Psychology (in following GEMI for short) is a full-time programme primarily directed to the German-speaking region. Fundamentals of psychology are conveyed in the modules Social Psychology, Differential Psychology, General Psychology, Biological Psychology as well as Developmental Psychology. To acquire methodical skills in psychology, the following modules are offered: Introduction to Areas and Research Methods of Psychology, Quantitative Methods I and II, Diagnostic Basics, Diagnostical Procedures, as well as the Research-Oriented Internship. Many modules are dedicated to hands-on practice. Courses in “Educational Psychology”, “Business Psychology” and “Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy” are offered in at least two modules each and are directly related to later professional activities. The selection of elective psychological and non-psychological courses allows students to focus on enhancing their knowledge for a certain future field of work. In the 5th semester in particular, modules can be selected which qualify for an application for the Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (with subsequent licensure examination).
The direct practical reference is demanded in two internships. Key qualifications are conveyed in all modules, whereby especially the module Development and Presentation of Contents from Science and Practice must be named. In the bachelor's thesis (to be completed within 12 weeks), students show that they have learned to deal with a problem in a special field of psychology, guided by the scientific methods of the subject.
Different forms of teaching and learning are implemented in the bachelor's programme. Presentations by the course instructor dominate the lectures, whereas students are expected to actively participate in the seminars. Students independently learn the subject matter by preparing reports or working together in small groups. Practical courses teach further competencies by systematically practicing psychological conversations and diagnostic behavioural observation. Feedback from the course instructors give students a basis for improvement.
The course material is usually tested in written form. Some courses, however, foresee oral testing. The research-oriented internship is concluded with a documented individual report on an empirical project. The module "Trial Research" comprises participation in empirical-psychological investigations within the framework of research work on GEMI. A detailed description can be found in the catalogue of modules attached to the programme regulations.
Regulations and module directory
Measles vaccination
Language requirements
- If your native language is not German, you must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the German language at the DSH-3 level
- Very good English language skills are recommended
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- 1st subject semester:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
Degree program coordination and specialist advice in psychology
Dr. rer. nat. Nuria Brinkmann
Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Goßlerstraße 14
Raum: 1.102
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 23652
Fax +49 551 39 33662
Programme homepage