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To promote open and reproducible research, the CRC 1456 projects can provide the results from their analysis in the form of showcases, in LiveDocs. LiveDocs are reproducible environments designed based on CRC 1456 projects' repositories, with the intent of providing the general public with access to the code and data used in projects' analysis, thus allowing the reproduction of reported results.

The main concept behind LiveDocs is to provide everything needed for the general audience to be able to interact with your code, either for scientific divulgation purposes or to spread awareness on specific themes (but not limited to these two cases). The Livedocs are provided in a ready-to-run format, which allows your code to be executed anywhere.

As for the involved technologies, currently, the LiveDocs can be delivered in one or more of the following formats:

  • Binderized applications running either in the Private or Public CRC 1456 Binderhub Servers in:

    • Jupyter Lab server

    • Jupyter Notebook (Classic) server

    • Jupyter server with Voilá

  • Applications that run locally in the browser, using JupyterLite

  • Static HTML generated from Jupyter Scripts

  • Containerized applications for Docker

LiveDocs Template

At the CRC 1456 Gitlab, the INF project provides a template for you to create your LiveDocs in the GWDG Gitlab. You can download this repository and start working on it. More information can be found in its readme file.

If you are a CRC 1456 member and have questions on how to create a LiveDoc of your own, or about any specificities concerning the LiveDocs, please contact us.

LiveDocs List

In the CRC1456 we have two different types of Livedocs: Educational LiveDocs and Reproduction LiveDocs

Educational LiveDocs

Educational LiveDocs are intended to explore specific topics of interest permeating the CRC 1456 projects. This type of LiveDocs can refer, for instance, to specific topics that are approached in one or more CRC 1456 publications, presenting users with a ludic overview of such topics, and explaining findings on publications, allowing not only the replication of findings but also the experimentation with presented data. Moreover, such LiveDocs can also refer to tools created to facilitate research on CRC 1456 topics, presenting users with a walkthrough on how to use these tools, examples and other tutorials.

Guided Jupyter Tour: Optimal Transport

A03, C06

Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila Jupyterlite Intro.html

Helioseismology LiveDocs


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila Jupyterlite helioh1conf.html

Magnetic resonance tomography datasets for estimating quantitative parameter of the NIST phantom.


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook jupyter-notebook.html

ProxToolbox LiveDocs (work in progress*)

B01, C02

Jupyter 'Notebook Docker

Reproduction LiveDocs

Reproduction LiveDocs are intended to explore the findings of specific CRC 1456 publications, providing users with the scripts and datasets associated with the results shown in such publications. This allows the assessment of findings with easiness since the presented development environments are pre-built with all the requirements, thus demanding little to no work from the users' side when it comes to setting up such environments.

Granule Cells analysis LiveDocs


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila nb1_structure_factor.html

Gibbsian Polar Slice Sampling LiveDocs


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila Jupyterlite axial_modes_dim_dep.html

Parallel Affine Transformation Tuning of MCMC


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila Jupyterlite notebook_example.html

RG - Fast spectroscopic imaging


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila notebook_example.html

ENDOR LiveDocs (work in progress*)


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila Fig1_AMR.html

MultiMatch: object-based multi-color colocalization analysis (work in progress*)


Jupyter Lab Jupyter 'Notebook Voila notebook_example.html

*Work in progress LiveDocs can only be accessed by CRC 1456 members that have a GWDG Gitlab account and are in the CRC 1456 gitlab project. If you cannot access it, please contact us.