Sustainable International Agriculture

Sustainable International Agriculture

MSc Sustainable International Agriculture

The MSc programme Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA) is a joint study programme of the agricultural faculties of the University of Göttingen and the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen. All SIA modules are taught in English. The study programme is internationally oriented and offers three possibilities for specialization (profiles):

Study Profiles

Click here to learn more about the study programme:


Excursion to Ghana and Benin

excursiion pic edited

Click here to watch the excursion film.

"Agrar Aktuell" special edition 10 years SIA

Agrar Aktuell Startseite SIAOn the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Sustainable International Agriculture programme, a special edition of the faculty magazine "Agrar Aktuell" was published in November 2019.

You can download the journal by clicking on the following link: "Agrar Aktuell" Special Edition SIA.