Mission Statement
As an all-access-free, scientifically curated database, GEOROC is a leading source of geochemical and isotopic datasets. It is connected to the Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) and has facilitated thousands of peer-reviewed publications and new avenues of geochemical research. The new Digital Geochemical Data Infrastructure (DIGIS) concept of GEOROC 2.0 will continue and enhance the existing data collection by generating a connected platform that meets future challenges of digital data-based research and provides advanced service to the community.
Our Objectives
- realign GEOROC with current and future demands in digital geochemical research, especially regarding FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable);
- provide this service with future-ready, adaptable IT infrastructure;
- identify, develop and recommend good-practice rules for the curation of physical sample materials linked to the GEOROC 2.0 platform.
DIGIS will implement an interoperable metadata model as well as data and metadata exchange via standardised application interfaces (APIs). The DIGIS concept for GEOROC 2.0 includes:
- open access to end-to-end text and data mining;
- integration of data DOIs;
- links to a geochemical sample storage system via the International GeoSample Number (IGSN);
- multi-way data harvesting capabilities as well as state-of-the-art connectivity to other databases;
- promoting applications in other research areas (e.g. soil science, remote sensing, archeometry) through increased accessibility and ease-of-use of free-access geochemical databases.

DIGIS is a multi-year project and you will see no immediate changes to the GEOROC database. While GEOROC 2.0 is being developed, the current GEOROC database will continue to be updated and curated by Bärbel Sarbas with help from the DIGIS team. We plan to release a beta version of GEOROC 2.0 for public testing in 2023. GEOROC 2.0 will replace the current database in 2024.
from April 2021
Migration of GEOROC database to Göttingen: service to community unchanged
Community-building, establishment of the DIGIS Advisory Board
Design of new database and metadata structures
by October 2021
Minor modifications to GEOROC: data upload with DOI assignment now possible
by January 2022
Alpha version of GEOROC 2.0 data and metadata structure
by April 2022
Migration of GEOROC infrastructure to Göttingen complete
Minor update of GEOROC website to improve user experience
by December 2022
Data exchange with EarthChem re-established
Alpha version of GEOROC 2.0 API for data access and exchange
by June 2023
Start of text and data mining project for improved data entry based on computer semantics
by January 2024
Beta version of GEOROC 2.0 released for testing, API fully functional
June 2024
Proposal for second fubnding period (2025-2028) submitted
Fall 2024
Launch of new GEOROC 2.0 Aplha-version website for testing
Sponsors & Collaborators
DIGIS is supported for three years through the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS) programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and forms an integral part of the current NFDI4Earth initiative. Working with Dominik Hezel and Horst Marschall of the Frankfurt Element & Isotope Research Centre (FIERCE) at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, DIGIS is represented with the NFDI4Earth Pilot Project: Developing tools and FAIR principles for the GEOROC and METBASE databases. We are proud to collaborate with the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG).