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Curriculum Vitae

1. Current Positions
• Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Göttingen (since 2024)
• Chair of Public and International Law at the University of Göttingen (since 2006)
• Director of the Institute of International and European Law at the University of Göttingen (since 2006)
• Substitute Member of the Venice Commission for Democracy through Law (since 2023)

2. Professional career
• 2010-2022 - Justice of the First Senate of the German Federal Constitutional Court
• 2006 - Full Professor at the University of Göttingen
• 1999-2006 - Lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
• 2003-2004 - Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor
• 2002 - Lecturer, Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law
• 2001-2005 - Advisor of Germany in Certain Property (Liechtenstein v. Germany)
• 2005 Lecturer, Duke-Geneva Institute of Transnational Law
• 2000-2003 - Member of the Faculty Council, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
• 1999-2001 - Counsel of Germany in LaGrand (Germany v. USA)
• 1999-2005 - Lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
• 1996-1998 - Research and Teaching Assistant at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

3. Degrees
• 2006 - Venia legendi for Public Law, International Law, Constitutional History and Legal Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
• 2006 - Habilitation Thesis at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich: Streitkräfteeinsatz in historischer und rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Deployment of Armed Forces in historical and comparative perspective, 2006)
• 2000 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich: The International Community in Public International Law (Die internationale Gemeinschaft im Völkerrecht, München 2000)
• 1996 - 2nd State Examination, Free State of Bavaria
• 1994 - 1st State Examination, Free State of Bavaria

4. Honours and Awards
• 2024 Dr. phil. h.c. (University of Oslo)
• 2024 Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter
• 2022 German Great Cross of Merit with Star and Sash
• 2003 Bavarian Habilitation Prize
• 2000 Faculty Prize for the dissertation on „Die internationale Gemeinschaft im Völkerrecht“
• 1988-94, 1996-98 - German Academic Scholarship Founcation
• 1989 – Geneva Program of the German Academic Exchange Service

5. Studies
• 1996-97 - Harvard Law School (Visiting Researcher and Research Associate)
• 1996 - Academy of European Law, Florence
• 1994 - Hague Academy of International Law (Stipend of the Netherlands)
• 1991-93 – Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
• 1990-91 – Université de Genève, IUHEI
• 1988-89 – University of Göttingen

6. Memberships
• German Society of International Law (since 2006, Council since 2017)
• German Chapter of the International Commission of Jurists (Vice-President since 2022, President 2020-22)
• Minerva Center for Human Rights, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (Advisory Board, since 2010)
• European Society of International Law (since 2004)
• American Society of International Law (since 1996)
• Staatsrechtslehrervereinigung (German Association of Constitutional Lawyers)
• PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order (University of Oslo, 2013-22)
• Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2015-2022)