Schwager, Robert: Majority Vote on Educational Standards, Education Economics, forthcoming. Download
Kotsogiannis, Christos and Robert Schwager, Present Bias and Externalities: Can Government Intervention Raise Welfare?, Canadian Journal of Economics 55:3, 1480-1506, 2022.
Oestreicher, Andreas, Jan Muntermann and Robert Schwager, Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Bestimmung und Prüfung von Verrechnungspreisen: Die Zukunft der transaktionsbezogenen Gewinnaufteilungsmethode?, Berlin: ifst, 2020.
Ehlers, Tim and Robert Schwager: Academic Achievement and Tracking: A Theory Based on Grading Standards, Education Economics 28:6, 587-600, 2020.
Johannes Meya, Poutvaara, Panu and Schwager, Robert: Pocketbook Voting, Social Preferences, and Expressive Motives in Referenda, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 175, 185-205, 2020.
Aytimur, Refik Emre and Bruns, Christian, Accountability with Large Electorates, The Economic Journal 129 (620), 1529-1560, 2019.
Himmler, Oliver, Jaeckle, Robert and Weinschenk Philipp, Soft Commitments, Reminders and Academic Performance, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(2), 2019.
Danilowicz-Gösele, Kamila, Johannes Meya, Schwager, Robert and Lerche, Katharina: Determinants of Students' Success at University, Education Economics 25(5), 513-532, 2017. Download
Bruns, Christian and Oliver, Himmler, Mass Media, Instrumental Information, and Electoral Accountability, Journal of Public Economics 134, 75-84, 2016.
Ehlers, Tim and Schwager, Robert, Honest grading, grade inflation and reputation, CESifo Economic Studies 62, 506-521, 2016.
Aytimur, Refik Emre, Boukouras, Aristotelis and Schwager, Robert, The citizen candidate model with imperfect policy control: Strategic delegation and polarization, Canadian Journal of Economics 43, 997-1015, 2016.
Schwager, Robert, Grade inflation, social background, and labour market matching, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation 82, 56–66, 2012.
Kotsogiannis, Christos and Schwager, Robert, Accountability and fiscal equalization, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 92, Issue 12, Pages 2336-2349, December 2008.