Maik Hammerschmidt is Professor of Marketing and Innovation Management at the University of Goettingen, and Co-Director of the Retail Logistics & Innovation Lab. Prior to joining Goettingen, he was Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Mannheim.

His research focuses on improving the performance outcomes of immersive and AI-based service technologies and of sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives. He is among the Top 100 Business Researchers in German-speaking countries (out of 3346 researchers) published by magazine WirtschaftsWoche. He further belongs to the "75 Influential Marketing Professors to Follow" according to a current Ranking published by LinkedIn.

He has published in FT 50 journals such as Journal of Marketing and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and has edited four books on marketing performance and marketing efficiency. His article on measuring electronic service quality, published in the Journal of Business Research, received more than 1,370 citations. He serves as editorial board member of the journal Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review (Emerald Publishing), which received the 2023 SDG Initiative of the Year Award.

He received numerous awards for academic achievements, including 9 Best Paper Awards of the American Marketing Association and the Sheth Foundation as well as the Literati Award from Emerald Publishing.


  • Since 2022

    Co-Director of the Retail Logistics & Innovation Lab, Goettingen, Darmstadt and Milan

  • 2021

    Chairman of the Central Committee for Teaching and Learning, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2020-2023

    Member of the Jury for the Ideas Competition for Students, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2019–2021

    Vice Chairman of the Economic Sciences Examination Committees, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2019–2020

    Head of the Department of Business Administration, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2017–2020

    Vice Chairman of the Central Committee for Teaching and Learning, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2015–2019

    Executive Director of Department of Business Administration, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2014–2021

    Member of the Study Quality Commission, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2012–2021

    Member of the Central Committee for Teaching and Learning, Georg-August-University Goettingen

  • 2012–2018

    Member of the SAP Business Transformation Academy

  • Seit 2010

    Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Marketing and Innovation Management Department, Georg-August-University of Goettingen

  • 2009

    Visiting Researcher, The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business, State College, USA

  • 2009

    Visiting Researcher, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Innovation Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

  • 2005 – 2010

    Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Mannheim

  • 2003 – 2006

    Research project "Consumer Sophistication und Consumption Efficiency" (granted by German Research Foundation)

  • 2001 – 2003

    Research project "Strategies of Small and Medium Size Suppliers on Electronic Markets" (granted by "Stiftung Industrieforschung, Koeln")

  • 2000 – 2002

    Visiting Lecturer for Industrial Marketing, Cooperative State University, Mannheim

  • 2000

    Visiting Lecturer for Service Marketing, Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences, Mannheim

  • 1999 – 2005

    Research Assistant, Marketing Department, Business School, University of Mannheim


  • 2011

    Post-Doctorate (Habilitation) in Business Administration, University of Mannheim; Subject: "A Comprehensive Perspective on Marketing Performance Measurement: Linking Marketing Actions to Customer-Based and Financial Outcomes"

  • 2005

    Doctorate in Marketing (Ph.D.), University of Mannheim, summa cum laude,
    Subject: "Efficiency Analysis in Marketing - A Production Economic Approach Based on Frontier Functions"

  • 1993 - 1998

    M.B.A., University of Mannheim; Focus: Marketing, International Management, and Psychology

  • 1993

    Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Oxford, UK


  • 2002 - 2010

    Senior Consultant, Wissenschaftliche Unternehmensberatung (WUB), Heddesheim

  • 1997 - 1998

    Wilhelm Gienger GmbH

    Customer Satisfaction Analysis, Development of a Customer Satisfaction Program

  • 1995

    Assistant Product Manager, Henkel AG, Duesseldorf

  • 1994 - 1998

    Consultant, INTEGRA, Mannheim


  • Finalist, Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, Operations & Supply Chain Management Division, 2023

  • Emerald Literati Best Paper Award, 2023

  • Finalist, SDG Initiative of the Year Award for the Journal "Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review", 2023 (as Member of the Editorial Board)

  • Best Presentation Award, BVL - The Supply Chain Network, International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, 2023

  • Robert Johnston Best Paper Award, Journal of Service Management, 2023

  • Best Paper Award, Marketing Strategy SIG, American Marketing Association (AMA), 2023

  • Best Paper Award in Track "Metaverse", AIRSI Metaverse Conference, 2023

  • Best Paper Award, Organizational Frontline Research Symposium, American Marketing Association (AMA), 2023

  • Finalist, Best Paper Award in Track "Internet and The Digital Economy", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-55), 2022

  • Finalist, Sport Marketing Paper of the Year Award, American Marketing Association, 2019

  • Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, 2019

  • Best Paper Award in Track "Metrics for Making Marketing Matter", Winter AMA Conference, 2017.

  • Best Paper Award in Track "Sales, CRM, and Business to Business", AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 2011.

  • Best Paper Award im Track "Inter-Organizational Issues in Marketing", AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 2010.

  • Overall Best Paper Award, "Exploring the Brand Productivity Gap", AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 2010.

  • Best Paper Award in Track "Brand Marketing and Communication", AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 2010.

  • Best Paper Award, The Sheth Foundation, 2007

  • Dissertation Price, Marketing Foundation, 2006

  • Research Grant for Dissertation, VG Wort, 2005


  • Marketing Performance

  • Immersive and AI-based Service Technologies

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Reconciling Resilience and Efficiency in Value Chains


  • Editorial Board Member, "Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review"

  • Advisory Board Member, Research and Doctoral Studies Deanship, HBMSU, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Reviewer, Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA)

  • Reviewer, Quality Center Siegen

  • Expert Reviewer, German Research Foundation (DFG)

  • Associate Editor, Information Conference on Business Informatics

  • Member of the Gamification Research Network (GARNET)

  • Advisory Board member of Enactus Germany

  • Blue-ribbon panel member for the Innovation Award of Lower Saxony

  • Track Chair for the Marketing Performance Track, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru, 2014

  • Track Chair for the Services Marketing Track, 2012 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago

  • Track Chair for the Health Economics Track, Annual Meeting of the International Network for Economic Research, Mannheim, 2000


  • Journal of Marketing

  • Journal of Marketing Research

  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

  • Journal of Retailing

  • Marketing Letters

  • International Journal of Research in Marketing

  • European Journal of Operational Research

  • Journal of Interactive Marketing

  • Journal of Service Research

  • Journal of Research and Management

  • Schmalenbach Business Review


  • Academy of Information Systems (AIS)

  • American Marketing Association (AMA)

  • INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS)

  • European Marketing Academy (EMAC)

Portrait photo of Maik Hammerschmidt. He is wearing a white and red striped shirt and glasses.


Dr. Maik Hammerschmidt

Professor of Marketing

Chair in Marketing and Innovation Management

Faculty of Business and Economics

Georg-August-University Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

Room 1.205

37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39-26546